Tailgating At The Assembly Line

For those of you who don’t follow our Twitter feed or our Facebook page, we’d ask that you do because honestly we’re far more prolific there than here. But, for those who just check in to the Bleep Bop website on a daily basis: here’s an...

Sound In The Clouds

We decided it would be easier (and save us more space) if we used the cloud. So please, listen with the angels to our collection of chiptunes on our Soundcloud channel! What’s that you say? You’d like to hear the music from the NES port of Deal or No Deal?...

Have Some Four!

Four, the sixth album by artist Zi, is available for purchase! The album description page gives you a feel for the hurtles involved (if you want to read the whole three act story) – but know that it was both musically and technically challenging.  We decided to...

Yazzy Cards

The producing/programming team of NintendoAge’s neodolphino and Vectrex28 are at it again with a port of the classic Windows game Freecell, with Zi creating a jazzy soundtrack and a pretty wild game teaser/trailer. The composition process is always different...